While some people may find it unappealing to have a reptile as a pet, others are thrilled with the idea. Recently, geckos have become increasingly popular as pets due to their docile nature and good temperament. Geckos also require minimal care and are content living in a tank, making them ideal pet for children. With numerous varieties of geckos available, it can be a daunting task to choose the right one. Here are some geckos that make good pets: Leopard geckos are the most commonly kept lizards as pets. They have a body color ranging from pale yellow to white, adorned with black spots. These reptiles can be tamed easily and typically only bite when provoked. Overall, leopard geckos are gentle and make good pets for kids as young as five or six years old. To keep a pair of leopard geckos, a 15 to 20 gallon tank is required. It's important to ensure the pair is of different genders, as males may fight for territory. Leopard geckos can live for up to 20 years. Another popular pet lizard is the day gecko. However, their delicate skin makes them unsuitable for handling. If you prefer a pet lizard that can be kept in a tank, the day gecko is perfect. With many different varieties available, take your time to choose the right one. If you enjoy carrying your pet lizard around, then the crested gecko is a great choice. They are comfortable with being touched and handled, but don't expect them to stay still on your shoulder all day as they tend to jump from one spot to another. Before getting a gecko as a pet, it's essential to research its care requirements and diet. If you want a healthy and happy gecko, try to make the tank as close as possible to its natural environment. Geckos are the ideal pet for a child because they are easy to care, you can find more info about them on taphibians
